First of all lets take you through all the features and benefits of both devices, then we can conclude which is the best aftermarket immobiliser for your car in 2023 /2024?
What is a Ghost Immobiliser?
The Ghost Immobiliser is an aftermarket security system for your vehicle.
The Ghost Immobiliser works by preventing your engine to start unless certain buttons within your car are pressed in a specific sequence, this can be from the steering wheel, the door panel or the central console. This sequence is set by the user & can be changed if needed.
Additional features of the Ghost Immobiliser:
Undetectable by thieves using diagnostics: The Ghost Immobiliser has no circuit cuts, meaning it cannot be detected by modern methods employed by a thief.
No radio frequencies: Thieves cannot use sophisticated RF scanning or code-grabbing technology to detect what security device your vehicle has when it does not transmit any signals like conventional security systems.
No more key cloning: Due to the personalised PIN you can create with the Ghost Immobiliser, if thieves have cloned keys to your vehicle, it will be impossible for them to start it because they won’t know your PIN code.
Tested for each vehicle: Due to the nature of the data bus communication the Ghost Immobiliserhas been adapted and tested for every vehicle we list as compatible, click this link to see our list of compatible vehicles.
PIN Reset: On the occasion, your pin is forgotten, your car is sold, or a button in your PIN sequence is broken, there is a secure, reset code for each immobiliser. There is also an option to change your pin, whenever you feel like it.
What is a CAN Phantom?
A CAN Phantom is another type of aftermarket security system, it operates in a very similar manner to a Ghost Immobiliser. One of it’s main differentiating features is that you can navigate the ‘Valet’ & ‘Maitenence mode’ through the web app on your phone.
Undetectable by thieves using diagnostics: The Can Phantom Immobiliser has no circuit cuts, meaning it cannot be detected by modern methods employed by a thief.
No radio frequencies: Thieves cannot use sophisticated RF scanning or code-grabbing technology to detect what security device your vehicle has when it does not transmit any signals like conventional security systems.
No more key cloning: Due to the personalised PIN you can create with the Can Phantom Immobiliser, if thieves have cloned keys to your vehicle, it will be impossible for them to start it because they won’t know your PIN code.
Tested for each vehicle: Due to the nature of the data bus communication the Can Phantom has been adapted and tested for every vehicle we list as compatible.
PIN Reset: On the occasion, your pin is forgotten, your car is sold, or a button in your PIN sequence is broken, there is a secure, reset code for each immobiliser. There is also an option to change your pin, whenever you feel like it.
Another feature is its own valet mode. Allowing the vehicle to be cleaned with no one needing to know your pin.
The Can Phantom's are also developed in the UK. - With round the clock UK technical support if ever needed.
The Can Phantom has far better security networks. - Can Phantoms Security networks are uber secure, more than any competitors.
The Can Phantom Customer Reviews - Can Phantom have far better reviews then all of its competitors from all trusted sources like google reviews & Trustpilot reviews.

Can Phantom vs Ghost Immobiliser - Which is the best aftermarket immobiliser for your Car 2023/2024?
So which is the best between these two immobilisers? In the UK's opinion, the Can Phantom is the best aftermarket immobiliser available in the UK for cars, vans, bikes, all vehicles & Machinery.
Although both devices have similar features, the Can Phantom has the potential for so much more. Resulting in absolute peace of mind for every single one of our customers.