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Welcome to our blog. Discover more information about our vehicle immobiliser, learn about our installers and read our helpful hints and tips on vehicle security.

Jason Malik
Nov 6, 20232 min read
Can Phantom Aftermarket Immobiliser Save You Money on Your Car Insurance?
Can The Can Phantom Aftermarket Immobiliser Save You Money on Your Car Insurance in 2023 2024? Why Getting a Can-Phantom Immobiliser...
506 views0 comments

Georgia Lycett
Oct 19, 20213 min read
5 security tips to keep your vehicle secure this winter
Did you know the risk of car theft rises 25% in Winter? Park in well-lit areas. Use public transport when out for an evening.
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Georgia Lycett
Oct 13, 20214 min read
5 tips on how to improve your car security
5 tips on how to improve your car security. Remove valuables from your car. Keep your car keys safe. Park in well-lit, secure spaces.
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Georgia Lycett
Oct 6, 20212 min read
3 tips on how to secure your fleet
3 tips on how to secure your fleet and protect your vehicles from theft.
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Georgia Lycett
Sep 23, 20211 min read
Car spotlight: The Rolls Royce Dawn
This week, we had the pleasure of securing and now supporting the Rolls Royce Dawn.
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Georgia Lycett
Sep 21, 20212 min read
Keyless cars make up half of all vehicles stolen
Keyless cars make up half of all vehicles stolen despite being 1% of cars on the road. How are thieves stealing them and how to secure yours
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Georgia Lycett
Aug 5, 20212 min read
Car spotlight: VW Golf Mk 7
Our car spotlight on the VW Golf Mk 7. Our review of the Golf and our most recent installation. Secure your Golf today.
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Georgia Lycett
Aug 3, 20212 min read
What is a car immobiliser and how effective are they?
Your vehicle already comes with a factory fitted immobiliser, so why are there other security immobilisers out there and how do they compare
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Georgia Lycett
Jul 29, 20212 min read
Car spotlight: Tesla Model 3
A recent CAN-phantom vehicle immobiliser installation on the Tesla Model 3.
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Georgia Lycett
Jul 12, 20212 min read
What is keyless theft and how does it work?
Keyless entry is a convenient way to unlock and lock your vehicle but with its ease of use comes an added vulnerability for your vehicle.
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Georgia Lycett
Apr 9, 20213 min read
How to prevent keyless theft - best way to prevent car theft
With a rise in car theft, we are all asking the same question, how can I protect and keep my car safe from keyless theft?
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Georgia Lycett
Mar 5, 20211 min read
The journey of CAN-phantom Limited - The Rise of The Can Phantom
Welcome to the official CAN-phantom Limited blog, here you can learn about the Rise of The Can Phantom When we started our journey over...
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